Sustainability is an essential part of our operations and daily work.
Sustainability at Neova Group and the sustainability strategy development and co-ordination of the execution is led at the Group Management Team level by the Chief Supply Chain and Sustainability Officer. Business management is in charge of the planning and implementation of the business specific sustainability roadmaps. The Group Chief Financial Officer is responsible for reporting on economic responsibility.
Sustainability implementation is regularly followed-up by the Audit Committee. Sustainability report is reviewed and approved by Neova Group’s Board of Directors and the Audit Committee.
Corporate responsibility policy
We have defined working methods and corporate responsibility policy which describes our operating principles in occupational health and safety, environment and quality matters.
Code of conducts
Ethical business is ensured by sustainability principles and our Codes of Conduct for employees and suppliers guide our day-to-day sustainability work.
We are committed to constantly developing our management system, environmental sustainability and safety. Through certificates, we want to show our customers and stakeholders that we are committed to constantly improving the quality of our products and operations.